





服務熱線 『當地國際冠碼』+  886-2-2536-0077
直撥電話範例 如您從美國打直撥電話回台灣台北 步驟1: 先撥 011(美國的國際冠碼)
步驟2: 再撥 886(台灣的國碼)
步驟3: 最後撥 2(台北的城市碼)及服務中心電話號碼 2536-0077
  • 提醒您出國前務必查詢旅遊當地之國際冠碼!
  • 與海外急難救助中心聯絡時請提供被保險人姓名、身分證號碼、出生年月日、發生急難地點、緊急聯絡人姓名、電話號碼及簡單說明狀況及所需援助。



用戶一 鑽石卡
  • 個人險:一年期(含)以上之個人有效保單且年繳總保費新台幣1,200,000元(含)以上之主被保險人。
  • 個人險:一年期(含)以上之個人有效保單且年繳總保費新台幣   500,000元(含)以上之主被保險人。
  • 個人險:一年期(含)以上之個人有效保單且年繳總保費新台幣     30,000元(含)以上之主被保險人。
金    卡
  • 個人險:一年期(含)以上之個人有效保單且年繳總保費新台幣     12,000元(含)以上之主被保險人。
  • 旅行平安保險之被保險人本人
用戶二 普    卡
  • 個人險:一年期(含)以上之個人有效保單且年繳總保費新台幣     12,000元以下之主被保險人。


  • 個人有效保單躉繳保費計算方式:無年期~躉繳保費÷10;有年期~躉繳保費÷年期
  • 保費須扣除已解約或部分提領金額。



個人險 保戶於「本國或經常居住國(台灣、澎湖、金門、馬祖)」境外地區每次停留出境天數不超過180天始得享有服務。
旅行平安險 保戶於「本國或經常居住國(台灣、澎湖、金門、馬祖)」境外地區每次停留出境天數不超過180天始得享有服務。



本辦法之適用對象可獲得下列服務(案件發生時,用戶資格認定須以當時本公司所訂辦法適用之。本公司得有調整用戶資格之權利,調整時不另行通知) 。


項次 項目 普卡(用戶二) 金卡以上(用戶一個人險)、金卡(用戶一旅平險)
醫療協助 旅遊保健電話諮詢服務 依推薦或安排辦理者而產生之費用,由保戶負擔之 依推薦或安排辦理者而產生之費用,由保戶負擔之
旅遊協助 接種及簽證等資訊之提供
法律協助 法律服務之推薦
緊急協助 緊急醫療轉送
  1. 「用戶一旅平險、個人險」是否已達緊急醫療轉送之條件及其轉送地點及轉送方式,將由Intl. SOS依專業醫療建議執行,僅提供定期航班。
  2. 由Intl. SOS安排適當的運輸及交通方式以及必要之醫護人員。
  3. 棺木或骨灰罈規格必須以符合國際航空運輸標準者為限。
  4. 不包括購買墓地、宗教儀式、鮮花等相關費用。
  5. 緊急醫療轉送、緊急轉送回國、遺體或骨灰運送回國或當地禮葬,三者加總最高上限,如下表。
    服務對象 額度上限(USD)
    個人險 鑽石卡 300,000
    鈦金卡 100,000
    白金卡 50,000
    金    卡 30,000
    旅平險 金    卡 50,000
  • 如同時符合不同險種(團險、旅平險、個人險)之服務資格,權益取其優,額度上限取其高無法加總。
救護車安排服務 「用戶一旅平險、個人險」有安排救護車需求時,Intl. SOS將依據實際狀況協助安排。若非為「用戶一旅平險、個人險」的緊急援助案件需求,衍生費用則由「用戶一旅平險、個人險」自行支付。
  1. 經Intl. SOS專屬醫師認定出院後尚無法立即進行空中醫療轉送而需就近療養時。
  2. 住宿:住宿費用憑單據實報實銷每日上限USD250;累積上限USD1,000。
  3. 上述費用不包含食物、飲料、通訊及其他服務費用。
安排配偶(限一名)及/或未成年子女(限一名)返國 「用戶一旅平險、個人險」因突發疾病、意外或緊急醫療轉送致其隨行配偶及/或二十歲以下之未成年子女乏人照料時,Intl.SOS將協助安排其配偶及/或未成年子女搭乘航空定期班機(單程經濟艙機票)返回其「本國或經常居住國」。必要時,Intl.SOS並將安排適合之人員護送該未成年子女返國。
  1. 限「用戶一旅平險、個人險」單獨旅行(非與親友同行),而於其「本國或經常居住國」境外連續住院七日以上,Intl. SOS可代為安排一位「用戶一旅平險、個人險」在台親屬前往探視「用戶一旅平險、個人險」。
  2. 需事先通知Intl. SOS。
  3. 來回經濟艙機票。
  4. 當地住宿:住宿費用憑單據實報實銷;每日上限USD250;累積上限USD1,000。
  5. 上述費用不包含食物、飲料、通訊及其他服務費用。
  1. 限「用戶一旅平險、個人險」於「本國或經常居住國」以外地區停留時因意外、突發疾病而不幸身故。
  2. 來回經濟艙機票。
  3. 當地住宿:住宿費用憑單據實報實銷;每日上限USD250;累積上限USD1,000。
  4. 上述費用不包含食物、飲料、通訊及其他服務費用。
人道救援 「用戶一旅平險、個人險」之同行家屬或友人因意外傷害或突發疾病致需緊急救援服務者,Intl. SOS將按件收費並於收到相關費用全額後,提供所列項目之服務。
代墊住院醫療費用及保證金 上限 USD5,000( 保戶應於還款通知送達之日起十五日內返還代墊住院醫療費用)





  1. 因既存病況 (用戶於「服務」發生前十二個月內即曾因之住院或「服務」發生前六個月內曾因之經醫師診斷或治療之病情)所生之一切費用。
  2. 於「本國或經常居住國」地區內所發生的任何事件。
  3. 於保險期間(保險期間較一年長者以一年計)內,就單一醫療事故發生一次以上緊急醫療轉送或轉送回國服務,就超過一次之部分所生一切費用。
  4. 未明定應由Intl. SOS負擔之費用及非由Intl. SOS提供或安排之服務所生之費用,除Intl. SOS事前書面同意外,Intl. SOS不予負擔。但於難與Intl. SOS事前聯絡之偏遠或落後地區,基於合理之預期,為避免用戶生命或身體之傷害,而採取緊急醫療轉送者,不在此限。
  5. 用戶違背醫藥專業人員之建議,或為出國就醫,或為前一事故、疾病或「既存病況」之休養,而至「本國或經常居住國」境外,因此所生之一切費用。
  6. 用戶並未發生「嚴重病況」(指Intl. SOS依用戶所在地點、醫療急迫性及當地醫療設施等情事綜合判斷,認定應採取緊急醫療處理以避免造成用戶死亡或對其健康造成立即或長期重大傷害之情況。),或經Intl. SOS醫師考量當地主治醫師之意見認定其病情可於當地獲得充分醫療照顧或其病情並非急迫可俟回國後再行就醫者,而仍要求醫療轉送或轉送回國之服務者,其因此所生之一切費用。
  7. 用戶經Intl. SOS醫師認定可於無醫療伴護之情況下正常旅行者,仍要求醫療轉送或轉送回國之服務者,其因此所生之一切費用。
  8. 用戶因生產、流產或懷孕所需之一切處置及相關費用,但在懷孕期間的前廿四週內因異常懷孕或嚴重之懷孕併發症有危及孕婦及/或胎兒生命之虞者,不在此限。
  9. 因心神喪失、心理疾病及精神失常所引起的任何費用。
  10. 因自殘、自殺、蓄意過量服用某藥物或服用非法藥物成癮或藥物濫用、飲酒過量或性病所致之一切費用。
  11. 用戶從事角力、摔角、柔道、空手道、跆拳道、馬術、拳擊、特技表演、汽車、機車及自由車等的競賽或表演,致生意外或傷害者,其因此所生之一切費用。
  12. 用戶作為現役武裝部隊或警察因執行工作相關之勤務,或參與戰爭(不論是否正式宣戰)、入侵、外國敵人之活動、敵對行為、內戰、叛亂、暴動、革命或造反,所生之一切費用。
  13. 用戶從事或意圖從事不法行為所致之一切費用。
  14. 事故發生時用戶已逾八十五歲者(含八十五歲),因該事故所生之一切費用。
  15. 不符當地醫療法規之人員所為或所指揮之醫療行為所生之一切費用。
  16. 用戶非以乘客身份搭乘航空器具,或搭乘非經當地政府登記許可之民用飛行客機,致生意外或傷害者,其因此所生之一切費用。
  17. 因核子反應或輻射之直接傷害所生之一切費用。
  18. 於船舶、鑽油平台等海上設施上之一切行為所致之一切費用。
  19. 用戶因涉及核生化武器、裝置之使用、釋放或威脅(包括但不限於直接或間接因恐怖行動或戰爭所致者)所生之一切費用。
  20. 如用戶因確診新冠肺炎(Covid-19)病況所生之一切費用。


  1. 保戶若因接受任何服務,而接受中國人壽或Intl. SOS代墊費用或其他情形之欠款(包括但不限於代墊住院期間醫療費用、保證金及Intl. SOS所收取之各項案件處理費),應於中國人壽通知還款日起十五日內,向中國人壽清償全部費用。
  2. 保戶同意,若未依前項約定償付欠款,中國人壽得將依保險契約約定應給付予被保險人金額(如:保險契約之解約金、保單價值準備金,或各項保險金),先行扣抵「用戶一旅平險、個人險」之欠款,如有餘額,始將餘額給付予應受領之人,無須另為通知。
  3. 「海外急難救助」中國人壽得於必要時修改或終止本服務內容,且不另行通知。
  4. 當享有「海外急難救助服務」之保戶,不幸發生意外傷害或突發疾病之緊急情況時,請盡速以適當方式前往就醫治療,並立即通知海外急難救助服務中心處理。若保戶已先行入院,則請保戶於發生急難狀況三日內通知海外急難救助服務中心。(若未於三日內通知,致救助成本增加,則被保險人必須自行負擔增加之費用。)
  5. 倘保戶於服務過程中經查有詐欺行為、不實陳述或提供不實資訊或數據則將立即終止保戶之服務。


若直接或間接因天災、政府當局或軍事當局之命令、內亂、戰爭、自然災害或巨災、罷工或其他形式之停工等不可抗力因素,致超出Intl. SOS得正常提供服務之範圍,造成服務延遲履行、無法履行或中斷,則中國人壽或Intl. SOS不需負責。


  • 瑞泰家家寶健康保險附約
  • 瑞泰家家寶配偶健康保險附約
  • 瑞泰家家寶子女健康保險附約
  • 瑞泰子女住院醫療保險附約(實支實付型)
  • 瑞泰健康保險(實支實付型)甲型
  • 瑞泰健康保險(實支實付型)乙型
  • 瑞泰健康保險(定額給付型)

For ensuring policy holders obtain rapidly, safe and convenient safeguard, China Life insurance partner with the overseas emergency assistance company in providing emergency service to those policy holders travel abroad.

Overseas Emergency Service Conditions

A.Service Flow

policy holder

Call in
Provide the Service
overseas emergency assistance company
Confirm Identity
Confirm qualification
China Life insurance

B.How to Reach Us

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Service Hotline local international prefix code +  886-2-2536-0077
Example of using direct call If you are dialing from U.S.A. to Taipei, Taiwan Step 1: Dial 011(International prefix code of U.S.A.)
Step 2: Then dial 886(country of Taiwan)
Step 3: Then dial 2(city code of Taipei) and China life OEA line:2536-0077
  • When contact with Overseas Emergency Center, please provide insured's name, ID number, date of birth, incident location, emergency contact person name, contact number and briefly state the situation and assistance required.


Policy holders who holds valid one year above personal life. Travel insurance policy holders are also eligible.

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  • Policy holders who holds one year above personal life and annual premium is over NTD1,200,000.
  • Policy holders who holds one year above personal life and annual premium is over NTD500,000.
  • Policy holders who holds one year above personal life and annual premium is over NTD30,000.
  • Policy holders who holds one year above personal life and annual premium is over NTD12,000.
  • Travel insurance policy holders are also eligible.
  • Policy holders who holds one year above personal life and annual premium is under NTD12,000.


The formula of single premium for personal life is as following:The single premium / 10 ; The regular premium / regular payment period

D.Service Qualification

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Personal Life Insurance Above member shall be eligible for Services when he/she travels outside the Home Country of Usual Country of Residence (means Taiwan) for periods not exceeding 180 days each time.
Travel Insurance Above member shall be eligible for Services when he/she travels outside the Home Country of Usual Country of Residence (means Taiwan) for periods not exceeding 180 consecutive days per trip.

E.Scope of Service Introduction

Service eligible member are entitle below services. (When incident happens, qualification of eligible member is to follow the rules at the time. China life has right to change or adjust qualification of eligible member. No notice will be sent for the change or adjustment. )

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Subject Item Normal Gold 、Platinum、Titanium and Diamond
【Annotation】For those insured who falls in exclusion, If there's any cost incurred due to referral or service arrangement, the cost will be borne by policyholders.
Medical assistance Health consultation when overseas traveling Insured is borne with all 3rd party cost that's incur when receive the service. Insured is borne with all 3rd party cost that's incur when receive the service.
Medical service provider referral
Arrangement of in-patient and medical consultation services
Medical monitoring before medical evacuation or repatriation
Medical interpreting assistance over the phone
Travel Assistance Inoculation and Visa requirement information
Interpreter/secretarial service referral
Lost luggage assistance
Lost passport assistance
Lost Credit Card Assistance
Emergency travel service assistance
Emergency interpreting assistance
Embassy referral
Emergency document delivery
Arrangement of visa extension
Overseas Car Rental Arrangement
Legal assistance Legal referral
Arrangement of appointment with lawyers
Arrangement of bail bond
(Upper limit of USD5,000)
Emergency Assistance Arrangement of emergency medical evacuation(from hospital to hospital) Insured is borne with all 3rd party cost that's incur when receive the service.
  1. Whether the insured is in the status of medical repatriation necessary, the condition, repatriate or evacuation destination or transportation mode will be judged and arranged by International SOS professionals.Medical repatriation Service is available via commercial flight Only.
  2. International SOS will arrange appropriate transportation and necessary medical escorts.
  3. Form of coffin or urn must meet the standards of international air transport.
  4. Coverage does not include purchase of graveyard, religious ceremony related cost and flower arrangement.
  5. In the table are shown the maximum coverage limits against emergency medical rescue /evacuation ,repatriation of remain or ashes or local burial .
    Policyholder Coverage
    Personal Life Insurance Diamond 300,000
    Titanium 100,000
    Platinum 50,000
    Gold 30,000
    Travel Insurance Gold 50,000
    ● If an insured meets the service qualifications of different types of insurance (group insurance, travel insurance, Personal Life insurance) at the same time, the best service qualification and the most coverage limit will apply. Coverage limit cannot be added-up.
Arrangement of emergency medical repatriation(from hospital to hospital)
Arrangement of local cremation, burial or return of mortal remain
ambulance arrangement

When there is a need to arrange an ambulance, Intl. SOS will assist in the arrangement according to the actual medical situations. If it is not for the insured's medical emergency assistance, the insured  is borne with all cost incurred.

Arrangement of convalecence expenses
  1. China life will arrange and pay for the additional hotel accommodation expenses necessarily and unavoidably incurred by the insured related to an incident requiring Emergency Medical Evacuation, Emergency Medical Repatriation or hospitalization.
  2. The limit of indemnity is up to US$1,000 per insured per event subject to a sub-limit of US$250 per day. Actual receipt shall be submitted upon reimbursement application.
  3. The above coverage shall exclude meals charges, beverages charges, telecommunication charges and other service charges.
Arrangement of return or spouse(up to one person) or minor child (up to one person) International SOS will arrange and one economy class one-way airfare for the return of minor child [aged 20 years old and below] and/or spouse to the Home Country or Usual Country of Residence if he/she is left unattended as a result of the accompanying User’s illness, accident or Emergency Medical Evacuation.  Escort will be provided, when required.
Arrangement of compassionate visit (up to one person)
  1. International SOS will arrange and pay for one economy class return airfare for a relative of the insured to visit insured who, when travelling alone (not accompany by relative or friends) , is hospitalized outside the Home country for a period in excess of 7 consecutive days.
  2. Have to notify International SOS in advance.
  3. Return economy class airfare.
  4. Hotel accommodation: The limit of indemnity is up to US$1,000 per insured per event subject to a sub-limit of US$250 per day. Actual receipt shall be submitted upon reimbursement application.
  5. The above coverage shall exclude meals charges, beverages charges, telecommunication charges and other service charges.
Arrangement for relative to handle funeral fair in local accommodation (up to one person)
  1. When insured pass away due to accident, sudden illness outside home country or usual country of residence.
  2. Return economy class airfare.
  3. Hotel accommodation: The limit of indemnity is up to US$1,000 per insured per event subject to a sub-limit of US$250 per day. Actual receipt shall be submitted upon reimbursement application.
  4. The above coverage shall exclude meals charges, beverages charges, telecommunication charges and other service charges.
emergency rescue services If the insured's travel companion including family members and friends needs emergency rescue services due to accidental injury or sudden critical illness, Intl. SOS will charge by case and provide the services listed after receiving the full amount of the relevant fees. User is borne with all 3rd party cost that's incur when receive the service.
Guarantee of Medical expenses during hospitalization and deposit Not applicable Upper limit of USD5,000 (Insured should return the fund within days after receive payment notice of guaranteed medical expenses)
Other than emergency medical evacuation, repatriation, mortal remain, urn repatriation or local burial,  for every Gold Card Member, the maximum sum coverage of each single item shall not exceed USD10,000.



The following treatment, items, conditions, activities and their related or consequential expenses are excluded:

  1. Any expense incurred as a result of a Pre-existing conditions (Insured has been hospitalized twelve months before receive the service and the diagnosis is related to previous hospitalization)
  2. Any event occurring when the user is within the territory of his/her home country and usual country of residence (means Taiwan).
  3. More than one emergency evacuation and/or repatriation for any single medical condition of a insured subject to insurance coverage period maximum of one year.
  4. Any cost or expense not expressly covered by the International SOS program and not approved in advance and in writing by International SOS and/or not arranged by International SOS. This exception shall not apply to Emergency Medical Evacuation from remote or primitive areas when International SOS cannot be contacted in advance and delay might reasonably be expected in loss of life or harm to the insured.
  5. Any expense for insured who are travelling outside their home country or usual country or residence contrary to the advice of a medical practitioner, or for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment or for rest and recuperation following any prior accident, illness or pre-existing condition.
  6. Any expense for medical evacuation or repatriation if the insured is not suffering from a Serious Medical Condition (refers to a condition which in the opinion of International SOS constitutes a serious medical emergency requiring urgent remedial treatment to avoid death or serious impairment to the User's immediate or long-term health prospects. The seriousness of the medical condition will be judged within the context of the User's geographical location, the nature of the medical emergency and the local availability of appropriate medical care or facilities.), and/or in the opinion of the SOS physician, the insured can be adequately treated locally, or treatment can be reasonably delayed until the insured returns to his/her Home Country or Usual Country of Residence.
  7. Any expense for medical evacuation or repatriation where the User, in the opinion of the SOS physician, can travel as an ordinary passenger without a medical escort.
  8. Any treatment or expense related to childbirth, miscarriage or pregnancy. This exception shall not apply to any abnormal pregnancy or vital complication of pregnancy which endangers the life of the mother and/or unborn child during the first twenty-four (24) weeks of pregnancy.
  9. Any expense incurred for emotional, mental or psychiatric illness.
  10. Any expense incurred as a result of a self-inflicted injury, suicide, drug addiction or abuse, alcohol abuse, sexually transmitted diseases.
  11. Any expense related to accident or injury occurring while the User is engaged in caving, mountaineering or rock climbing necessitating the use of guides or ropes, potholing, skydiving, parachuting, bungee-jumping, ballooning, hang gliding, deep sea diving utilizing hard helmet with air hose attachments, martial arts, rallying, racing of any kind other than on foot, and any organized sports undertaken on a professional or sponsored basis.
  12. Any expense incurred as a result of the User engaging in active service in the armed forces or police of any nation; active participation in war (whether declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, civil war, rebellion, riot, revolution or insurrection.
  13. Any expense related to the User engaging in the commission of, or the attempt to commit, an unlawful act.
  14. Any expense in respect of the User more than or equal to 85 years old at the date of intervention.
  15. Any expense related to treatment performed or ordered by a non-registered practitioner not in accordance with the standard medical practice as defined in the country of treatment.
  16. Any expense related to the User engaging in any form of aerial flight except as a passenger on a scheduled airline flight or licensed charter aircraft over an established route.
  17. Any expense which is a direct result of nuclear reaction or radiation.
  18. Any expense incurred for or as a result of any activity required from or on a ship or oil-rig platform, or at a similar off-shore location.
  19. Any expense, regardless of any contributory cause(s), involving the use of or release or the threat thereof of any nuclear weapon or device or chemical or biological agent, including but not limited to expenses in any way caused or contributed to by an Act of Terrorism or war.

G.Terms and Conditions

  1. For any service that insured received and accept China life or International SOS proceed to guarantee payment or any other situation result in arrears (the situation is include but not limited to guarantee of medical expenses during hospitalization, deposit or case fee charged by International SOS), insured shall return the full amount of arrears to China life in 15 days after receive payment notice.
  2. Insured agreed, if insured does not follow the previous condition and return the full amount of arrears to China life, China life will deduct amount from insured's claim (i.e. insurance termination payment, policy value reserved fund or any other claim amount). If there's any remaining sum after deduction, China life will pay the remaining sum to insured without notice.
  3. Overseas Emergency Assistance is a free service provided by China life. China life has right to change, amend or terminate the service without notice. The above listed Overseas Emergency Assistance items are only for reference, the actual content depends on the actual overseas emergency assistance service contract at the time the service is activated.
  4. For the insured that are entitle to overseas emergency services, insured shall seek medical assistance locally when incident happens and notify overseas emergency assistance center at soonest possibility. After insured is admitted, insured shall notify overseas emergency assistance center within 3 days about the distress situation and seek assistance.
  5. Fraud committed by or misrepresentation made by the insured or any fake information or data given by the insured, the service will be terminated immediately.


In the incidence that nature disaster, order of local government or military, civil war, war, labor strike or any other cause that is not controllable that result in service delay, interrupt or not able to proceed, China life and International SOS are free of responsibility

※ China life insurance has right to change or adjust scope of service. ※